El capital movilizado en el sector minero de Chile ha aumentado un 1726% en el primer trimestre de 2017, respecto al mismo periodo del año pasado. El importe de los tres primeros meses de 2017 fue de USD 456,57m, comparado con los USD 25m, movilizados en el mismo periodo de 2016.

En cuanto al número de operaciones, el sector de la minería chilena también ha experimentado crecimientos considerables, las cuales han pasado de una sola transacción en el primer trimestre de 2016 a seis operaciones en el mismo periodo de 2017.




  • En los tres primeros meses del año se han registrado 69 transacciones en Chile
  • 28 operaciones registradas en el primer trimestre alcanzan un importe de USD 2.071m
  • Sector Financiero y de Seguros es el más destacado del periodo, con 9 operaciones
Insight TTR

El capital movilizado en el sector minero de Chile ha aumentado un 1726% en el primer trimestre de 2017, respecto al mismo periodo del año pasado. El importe de los tres primeros meses de 2017 fue de USD 456,57m, comparado con los USD 25m, movilizados en el mismo periodo de 2016.

En cuanto al número de operaciones, el sector de la minería chilena también ha experimentado crecimientos considerables, las cuales han pasado de una sola transacción en el primer trimestre de 2016 a seis operaciones en el mismo periodo de 2017.



El mercado de M&A en Chile ha contabilizado en los tres primeros meses del año un total de 69 operaciones, de las cuales 28 suman un importe no confidencial de USD 2.071m, de acuerdo con el informe trimestral de TTR. Estos datos reflejan un aumento del 27,78% en el número de operaciones y un descenso del 46,73% en el importe de las mismas, respecto al primer trimestre de 2016.

De las operaciones contabilizadas de enero a marzo, 22 son de mercado bajo (importes inferiores a USD 100m), cinco de mercado medio (entre USD 100m y USD 500m) y una de mercado alto (superior a USD 500m).

En términos sectoriales, el sector Financiero y de Seguros es el que más transacciones ha contabilizado a lo largo de 2017, con un total de 9 operaciones, seguido por el sector de Distribución y Retail, con 7; Internet, con 7; y Alimentario, con 6.

Ámbito Cross-border

Por lo que respecta al mercado cross-border, en lo que va de año las empresas chilenas han apostado principalmente por invertir en Costa Rica y México, con dos transacciones en cada país. Por importe, destaca Costa Rica de nuevo, con USD 48,50m, y Canadá, con USD 12m.

Por otro lado, Estados Unidos (5 operaciones), Canadá (4), España (3) y Perú (3), son también los países que más han apostado por realizar adquisiciones en Chile. Por importe vuelve a destacar Estados Unidos, con USD 1.045m.

Private Equity y Venture Capital

En el primer trimestre se ha producido una transacción de private equity, lo cual representa un descenso del 75% con respecto al primer trimestre de 2016.

Por su parte, en los tres primeros meses de 2017, Chile ha registrado 6 operaciones de venture capital, con un importe revelado de USD 12m, las cuales representan un aumento del 500% en el número de operaciones y un ascenso del 471% en el importe, respecto al mismo periodo del año pasado.

Transacción del Trimestre

Para el primer trimestre de 2017, TTR ha seleccionado como operación destacada la realizada por Southern Cross Group, firma de private equity estadounidense con sede en Miami, la cual ha concluido la adquisición del 100% del capital social de Petrobras Chile, filial de la petrolera estatal brasileña Petrobras.

La operación, que ha registrado un importe de USD 470m, ha estado asesorada por la parte legal por Chadbourne & Parke; Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos; Barros & Errázuriz Abogados; Veirano Advogados; y por Claro y Cía. Abogados. Por la parte financiera, la transacción ha sido asesorada por Banco Itaú BBA, y por Banco Credit Agricole Brasil.

TTR in the Press

EL MERCURIO: “Número de fusiones y adquisiciones en Chile sube 28% en 1er trimestre”

Informe completo


Fusiones y adquisiciones en América Latina aumentan un 20% en noviembre de 2016

América Latina

Informe mensual sobre el mercado transaccional latinoamericano

  • En el mes de noviembre se han registrado 177 transacciones en la región
  • 68 operaciones registradas en el mes alcanzan un importe de USD 12,846m
  • Argentina, Brasil y Chile registran un aumento en el capital y en el número de transacciones

Madrid, 16 de diciembre de 2016.- El mercado transaccional de América Latina ha experimentado en el mes de noviembre un aumento del 20% en el número de operaciones respecto al mismo mes del año 2015, según el más reciente informe de Transactional Track Record ( en colaboración con ONTIER. Este incremento se ha producido en la región, además de un significativo incremento del 443% en el importe de transacciones registradas respecto al mismo periodo del año anterior.

En concreto, el mercado M&A de América Latina sigue una dinámica optimista en el mes, con un total de 177 operaciones registradas, de las cuales 68 tienen un importe no confidencial que suman aproximadamente USD 12,846m. De estas operaciones, 13 son transacciones de private equity y 12 de venture capital.

Private Equity y Venture Capital
Los segmentos de Private Equity y Venture Capital se destacan en el informe del mes de noviembre, ya que a lo largo de 2016 se han llevado a cabo 156 transacciones de Private Equity, de las cuales 63 operaciones tienen un importe no confidencial que suman alrededor de USD 7,190.05m, lo que supone un crecimiento interanual del 10.64%.

En Venture Capital, se han llevado a cabo 198 operaciones, de las cuales 127 tienen un importe no confidencial que suman USD 642.94m, aproximadamente, lo que representa un crecimiento interanual de 11.86%.

Ranking de operaciones por países
A lo largo del año, por número de operaciones, Brasil sigue liderando el ranking de países más activos de la región con 920 operaciones y con un aumento del 42% de capital movilizado en términos interanuales. Le sigue en el listado México, uno de los países menos favorecidos en el mes, con 277 operaciones y con un decrecimiento del 13% de su importe con respecto al mismo periodo de 2015. Por su parte, Chile conserva su tendencia alcista con 198 operaciones y con un aumento del 221% en el capital movilizado a lo largo del año, lo cual desplaza a Argentina en el ranking, con 182 operaciones, pero con un aumento significativo del 579% en capital movilizado.

En los últimos lugares, Colombia, con un resultado mixto, ha registrado 151 operaciones, lo cual representa un 2% menos, pero ha tenido un aumento del 60% en su importe respecto al mismo periodo del año pasado. En la tendencia, Perú desciende al último lugar del listado, con 131 operaciones y con un descenso del 17% en su capital movilizado.

Ámbito cross-border
En el ámbito cross-border se destaca el apetito inversor de las compañías latinoamericanas en el exterior, especialmente en Norteamérica y Europa, donde se han llevado a cabo 10 y 4 operaciones, respectivamente. Por su parte, las compañías que más han realizado transacciones estratégicas en América Latina proceden de Norteamérica, con 25 operaciones, Europa (24), Asia (9) y Oceanía (1).

Transacción destacada
Para noviembre de 2016, Transactional Track Record ha seleccionado como operación destacada la adquisición de Telefé, gestora argentina de canales de televisión, por parte de Viacom, conglomerado de medios con sede en Nueva York.

La operación, que ha registrado un importe de USD 345m, ha estado asesorada por la parte legal por DLA Piper US, A&F Allende & Ferrante Abogados, Shearman & Sterling y M & M Bomchil Abogados.

Entrevista con Miranda & Amado
Roberto MacLean, Partner de Miranda & Amado, ha comentado a TTR sus perspectivas sobre el mercado transaccional en Colombia y América Latina para 2017: “En el caso del Perú, la salida de las constructoras brasileñas de diferentes proyectos ha generado transacciones de importes elevados. Como el proceso no ha culminado, esperamos que continúe el pipeline de estas operaciones.  Pensamos que el sector de microfinanzas y el sector salud también dará que hablar en el 2017”.

Para más información:
Wagner Rodrigues
TTR – Transactional Track Record
T (PT):  +351  913 577 278

Appetite Grows for Chilean Food Assets


TTR Deal Tracker


TTR Deal Tracker is a monthly email update identifying M&A trends in Latin America and compiling YTD rankings of leading financial and legal advisors

BRAZIL: Telecom dealmaking gains ground

Dealmaking in Brazil’s telecom sector inched ahead in the first nine months of 2016, with a 46% increase in transaction volume compared to the same period last year, according to TTR data (
Inbound deals in the sector were sparse in both periods, with just two of 13 transactions led by international buyers in the first nine months of 2015, and one of 19 by the close of September this year.

CHILE: Appetite grows for food industry

Transactions in Chile’s food and beverage industry rose 57% in the first nine months of 2016 over the same period in 2015, according to TTR data (
The participation of foreign buyers in the space was constant between both periods, though inbound deals fell relatively, with four of seven transactions led by international bidders to the close of 3Q15, compared to four of 11 to the close of 3Q16.

Rankings / League Tables

Latin America Ranking – 2016*

Financial Advisory – Year to Date (YTD)

Banco Itaú BBA holds a comfortable lead in TTR’s Latin America financial advisory ranking at the close of 3Q16, with 28 transactions worth a combined USD 16bn. The region’s top bank is two deals behind by volume and 8% up by aggregate value on its nine-month performance to the close of 3Q15, when it also led the chart. Banco Bradesco BBI is up one position to take second place, its deal count up 140%, the combined value of its transactions leading the pack at USD 23bn. Banco BTG Pactual fell from second place a year ago to third, its mandates down 43% from 23 and aggregate deal value down 41% from USD 10.6bn. Banco Santander added four deals to its tally of eight a year ago to take fourth place, its aggregate value up 43% from USD 5.3bn to USD 7.5bn. Citigroup jumped 450% by volume and 440% by aggregate value to take fifth, after not placing among the top 10 investment banks in the region to the close of 3Q15. BAML is up one place to take sixth after adding four deals to its count of six a year ago and increasing aggregate value 882% to USD 12.2bn. BNP Paribas was absent from the top 10 ranking at the close of 3Q15 and now ranks seventh, tied with BAML by volume. BBVA is down two positions in eighth, despite adding two transactions to its count of a year ago and increasing aggregate deal value by 179%. Morgan Stanley, in ninth, and Vinci Partners, in tenth, were both absent from the regional top 10 chart a year ago.

Baker & McKenzie leads TTR’s Latin America legal advisory ranking at the close of 3Q16 with 18 transactions worth a combined USD 2.5bn. Baker also led the chart at the close of 3Q15, when the firm had advised on 27 deals together worth USD 2bn in the first nine months of the year. Jones Day follows in second, as it did a year ago, though deal volume is down by a similar 32%; its aggregate value is down 58%. Clifford Chance ranks third by volume with 10 deals and leads by aggregate value of USD 8.5bn. Clifford Chance closed 3Q15 ranked fifth with six deals together worth a similar USD 8.4bn. Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, in fourth, and White & Case, in fifth, have the same deal count. Cleary was not among the top 10 a year ago, while White & Case fell from third, despite increasing volume from seven to 10 and growing aggregate value from USD 1.2bn to USD 1.8bn. Linklaters, in sixth, and Hogan Lovells, in seventh, were both absent from the chart a year ago. Shearman & Sterling lost one deal compared to its tally of a year ago and fell four positions to take eighth. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett also lost a transaction on its tally of a year ago, but held on to its ninth place ranking, nonetheless, the combined value of its deals down 56%. Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom is down two transactions and three positions in the chart, to pull up the rear with four mandates on deals worth USD 2.7bn, a 207% jump in aggregate value from USD 866m a year ago.

Brazil Ranking* – 2016
Financial Advisory – Year to Date (YTD)

Banco Bradesco BBI tops TTR’s Brazil financial advisory ranking at the close of 3Q16, one deal ahead of Banco Itaú BBA. With 24 mandates YTD, Bradesco is up 140% by volume, 122% by value on its performance for the nine-month period ending a year ago, when it ranked third. Itaú has slipped to second in the ranking, its volume down 15%, the combined value of its deals down 19%. At the close of 3Q15, Itaú led Banco BTG Pactual by 11 transactions and Bradesco by 16. BTG’s volume is down from 15 to 11, placing it in third, its aggregate value down 50% from 26 deals a year ago. BAML more than doubled its mandates in Brazil, climbing from tenth to fourth in the chart, its nine deals worth USD 10bn in aggregate compared to USD 1.2bn a year ago. Banco Santander ranks fifth with seven deals worth a combined USD 5.7bn, not having placed among Brazil’s top-10 financial advisors a year ago. Vinci Partners, in sixth, was also absent from the ranking at the close of 3Q15, and is now tied with Santander by volume, its seven deals together worth USD 455m.
BR Partners, in seventh, maintained its deal count of a year ago while falling two positions in the chart, the value of its six deals YTD worth USD 1.5bn compared to USD 256m in the first nine months of 2015. Rochschild is up by one deal and one place in the chart on its performance of a year ago, placing eighth with five mandates on transactions together worth USD 8.4bn, compared to four worth USD 7.7bn at the close of 3Q15. Magma, in ninth, and Cypress Associates, in tenth, were both absent from the top 10 a year and also have five deal mandates apiece at the close of 3Q16, together worth USD 33m and USD 3m, respectively.

Legal Advisory – Year to Date (YTD)

Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados leads TTR’s Brazil legal advisory ranking to the close of 3Q16, with a whopping 50 mandates YTD on transactions worth nearly USD 21bn combined. The leading transactional law firm in Brazil has climbed from second a year ago, when it had 10 fewer deals worth just under USD 11bn in aggregate. Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados climbed from third a year ago to take second place, adding 11 deals to its count of 31 at the close of 3Q15. The combined value of its transactions fell 79% from a chart-leading USD 12.6bn to USD 2.7bn, meanwhile. Pinheiro Neto Advogados fell from first to third by deal count and places second among the top 10 by aggregate value, with USD 17.2bn in combined deals. Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados holds on to its fourth-place ranking of a year ago, with 35 deals worth USD 3.4bn combined, compared to 29 together worth USD 5.5bn at the close of 3Q15. TozziniFreire Advogados is up four positions from ninth a year ago to take fifth in the chart at the close of September. TozziniFreire increased its tally from 20 at the close of 3Q15 to 35 a year later, and bumped aggregate value up from USD 798m to USD 3.4bn. Stocche, Forbes, Padis, Filizzola, Clapis, Passaro, Meyer e Refinetti Sociedade de Advogados ranks sixth, after not placing among the top 10 M&A firms in Brazil in the first nine months of 2015. Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão lost four deals from its tally of a year ago and fell one position in the chart to take seventh, closing 3Q16 with 21 mandates on transactions together worth USD 5.7bn, compared to 25 together worth USD 9.1bn to the close of September 2015. Not among the top-10 a year ago, Lefosse Advogados closes the quarter in eighth, with 19 mandates on deals together worth USD 7.7bn. Demarest Advogados is tied with Lefosse by deal volume, but follows in ninth for its lesser aggregate transaction value of USD 2.7bn. Veirano Advogados slid from fifth at the close of 3Q15 to tenth a year later, its deal volume falling from 26 to 17 while the combined value of its deals grew from USD 799m to USD 5.7bn.

Mexico Ranking* – 2016

Financial Advisory – Year to Date (YTD)

BBVA tops TTR’s Mexico financial advisory ranking at the close of September with seven deals together worth USD 3.3bn, up from four worth USD 869m a year ago, when it also led the chart.Citigroup climbed from eighth a year ago to runner-up, with four transactions YTD worth a combined USD 4.5bn, leading the top 10 by aggregate value. Deutsche Bank ranks third with two mandates at the close of 3Q16, tied by deal count with JPMorgan, in fourth, Morgan Stanley, in fifth, Lazard, in sixth, Credit Suisse Group, in seventh, and RIóN M&A, in eighth. Of the lot, only RIóN placed among the top 10 a year ago, when it ranked third. Goldman Sachs, in ninth, and PC Capital, in tenth, have advised on one transaction each in Mexico, YTD; both were absent from the top 10 chart a year ago.

Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez leads TTR’s Mexico legal advisory ranking at the close of September, with 18 mandates on deals worth a combined USD 3.3bn. The leading firm’s deal count compares with 21 together worth USD 13bn in the nine-month period ending a year ago, when it also stood at the top. Galicia Abogados added two deals to its tally to take second place with 12 mandates on transactions together worth USD 4.5bn. Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes slipped from second place a year ago, to third, its seven deals worth USD 1.8bn at the close of 3Q16, compared to 15 together worth 2.4bn at the close of 3Q15. Jones Day México is tied with Mijares by volume, with the same seven deals as a year ago. Ritch, Mueller, Heather y Nicolau, in fifth, was not among the top 10 a year ago, its six deals YTD together worth USD 1.8bn. White & Case México climbed two places in the chart to take sixth, despite static deal count and a 26% drop in aggregate value between the two periods. Santamarina y Steta Abogados, in seventh with five mandates YTD, and González Calvillo Abogados, in eighth with four, were both absent from the top 10 a year ago, as was Von Wobeser y Sierra, in ninth with four deals too. Basham Ringe y Correa slipped from seventh a year ago, to tenth, its deal count halved from six to three, its aggregate value down 93% from USD 1.4bn to USD 91m.

* TTR Rankings are generated with transactions announced or closed in 2016 year-to-date. The ranking includes sales and acquisitions of shares and of assets, creation of joint ventures, and Private Equity/Venture Capital investments. The legal advisor rankings for Brazil and Mexico take into consideration advisory services regarding domestic laws. All rankings only include deals where a company of the respective country was the target of the transaction. In the case of LATAM, it would be a Latin American country. The LATAM ranking does not specify the origin of the advisory law, so the filter only considers firms from the UK/US.

In case of a draw, the adopted criteria will be the following: if the draw is due to number of transactions, the total deal value prevails; if it is due to deal value, the number of transactions prevail. When a draw of both number of transactions and deal value occurs, the same position will be retained and the deals will be arranged alphabetically.

Chile’s distribution and retail space heats up


TTR Deal Tracker


TTR Deal Tracker is a monthly email update identifying M&A trends in Latin America and compiling YTD rankings of leading financial and legal advisors

BRAZIL: Oil & Gas sector dynamic

Transactions in Brazil’s oil & gas sector increased by 113% in the first seven months of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015, according to TTR data (
Asset sales also rose in the energy sector with five such transactions YTD compared to two in the January-July period of 2015.

CHILE: Deal volume grows in distribution and retail

Dealmaking in Chile’s distribution and retail space is up 150% YTD in 2016 compared to the same seven months in 2015, according to TTR data (
The appetite from international investors in the sector is also up, with five transactions led by foreign buyers YTD compared to three in the first seven months of 2015.

Rankings / League Tables

Latin America Ranking – 2016*

Financial Advisory – Year to Date (YTD)

Banco Itaú BBA leads TTR’s Latin America financial advisory ranking at the close of July by volume and aggregate value, with 24 deal mandates in the first seven months of 2016 worth a combined USD 15.3bn. The top M&A bank in Brazil also led the chart in the first seven months of 2015, when it had advised on 28 transactions worth a combined USD 14.6bn, representing a 14% dip in volume and a 5% increase in aggregate value between the two periods. Banco Bradesco BBI climbed from sixth place in the chart a year ago to take second, its deal volume up 133% from six to 14 transactions, the combined value of those deals up 18% from USD 9.1bn to USD 10.8bn. Banco BTG Pactual fell from second at the close of July 2015 to take third, its deal volume down 25% from 16 to 12, the aggregate value of those transactions down 39% from USD 9.5bn to USD 5.8bn. BAML climbed from ninth place at the close of July 2015 to take fourth, its deal volume up 125% from four to nine transactions, its aggregate value up 1,152% from USD 777m to USD 9.7bn. Citigroup, in fifth, didn’t place among the top 10 in the first seven months of 2015. Banco Santander fell from third a year ago to take sixth, despite adding one deal to its tally of eight at the close of July 2015 and increasing its aggregate deal value by 15% from USD 5.3bn to USD 6bn. Morgan Stanley, in seventh, was not among the top 10 a year ago. BBVA fell from fifth to eighth in the chart, its deal count holding steady at seven, the combined value of those transactions down 3% to USD 2bn. BNP Paribas, in ninth with six mandates YTD, was also absent from the top 10 a year ago, as was Vinci Partners, bringing up the rear with an equal number of deals.

Baker & McKenzie leads TTR’s Latin America legal advisory ranking for the first seven months of 2016, as it did for the corresponding period a year earlier, despite a 36% decline in the firm’s deal volume and a 25% decline in aggregate value compared to its performance to the close of July 2015 when it led with 22 transactions worth a combined USD 1.4bn. Jones Day follows in second with 11 transactions worth a combined USD 279m, a 35% decline in volume and an 89% decline in aggregate value relative to its performance in the seven months ending a year ago, when it also placed second. Linklaters, in third, was not among the top 10 international law firms advising on deals in Latin America in the first seven months of 2015. Clifford Chance holds firm to its fourth-place position of a year ago, its eight mandates YTD worth USD 7.4bn combined, compared to five worth USD 8.3bn in the same seven-month period last year. Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, in fifth, did not place among the top 10 to the close of July 2015. White & Case fell one place to sixth, despite adding two transactions to its tally of five compared to the January-July period in 2015. Hogan Lovells, in seventh, was absent from the chart a year ago, this year bumping Shearman & Sterling down a spot to eighth, down also in volume by one deal. Chadbourne & Parke, in ninth, is tied with Shearman & Sterling by volume with four deals under its belt, after not appearing on the chart at the close of July 2015. Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom lost two deals compared to its tally of a year ago to bring up the rear, its aggregate value up 207% from USD 866m to USD 2.7bn.

Brazil Ranking* – 2016
Financial Advisory – Year to Date (YTD)

Banco Itaú BBA leads TTR’s Brazil financial advisory ranking for the first seven months of 2016 with 19 transactions worth a combined USD 11.3bn, representing a 21% decline in deal volume and a 20% decline in aggregate deal value relative to the corresponding period in 2015 when it also led the pack. Banco Bradesco BBI rose from third to take second in the chart, bumping Banco BTG Pactual to third place. Bradesco advised on 14 transactions worth a combined USD 10.8bn, increasing its deal volume by 133% from six at the close of July 2015 to 14 as the combined value of its transactions grew 18% from USD 9.1bn to USD 10.8bn. BTG Pactual added one deal to its tally of a year ago while its aggregate deal value fell 45% from USD 8.4bn. BAML, in fourth, was not among the top 10 investment banks advising in Brazil to the close of July 2015, nor was Banco Santander, in fifth, Vinci Partners in sixth, nor Rothschild, in seventh. BR Partners fell from seventh to eighth, despite adding one deal to its tally of a year ago to close July 2016 with five transactions worth a combined USD 1.3bn, representing a 625% increase in aggregate deal value from USD 176m. Morgan Stanley, in ninth, and Magma, in tenth, were both absent from the top 10 ranking at the close of July 2015.

Legal Advisory – Year to Date (YTD)

TozziniFreire Advogados leads TTR’s Brazil legal advisory ranking for the first seven months of 2016 with 31 transactions worth a combined USD 1.8bn, a 94% increase in deal volume and a 121% increase in aggregate value compared to its 16 transactions worth a combined USD 798m of a year ago when it ranked eighth in the chart. Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados ranks second, its 30 transactions worth a combined USD 12bn leading the chart by aggregate value and representing a 30% increase in volume and a 34% increase in combined deal value compared to its 23 transactions together worth USD 8.9bn to the close of July 2015, when the firm raked fourth. Pinheiro Neto Advogados fell from first a year ago to take third place, with 29 transactions together worth USD 8.7bn compared to 31 worth USD 9.5bn at the close of July 2015. Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados is up one place to take fourth, with 29 deals together worth USD 3.4bn compared to 23 worth USD 4bn a year ago, a 26% increase in volume and a 16% decline in aggregate value. Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados fell three positions to take fifth, despite increasing deal volume by 16% from 25 to 29. Its aggregate deal value is down 92% meanwhile, from USD 12.5bn to USD 1bn. Stocche, Forbes, Padis, Filizzola, Clapis, Passaro, Meyer e Refinetti Sociedade de Advogados, in sixth, was not among the top 10 M&A firms in Brazil at the close of July 2015. Veirano Advogados fell one position from sixth a year ago to take seventh in the chart, its deal count down by two transactions, its aggregate deal value up nearly 1300% from USD 408m. Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão fell from third at the close of July 2015 to eighth, its volume down 26% from 23, its aggregate deal value off 38% from USD 9.1bn. Lefosse Advogados, in ninth, was not among the top 10 firms in Brazil in the first seven months of 2015. Demarest Advogados brings up the rear with 16 transactions together worth USD 2.4bn, the same volume as a year ago when it ranked ninth, its aggregate value up nearly 3,000% from USD 79m.

Mexico Ranking* – 2016

Financial Advisory – Year to Date (YTD)

BBVA leads TTR’s Mexico financial advisory ranking at the close of July 2016 with five transactions worth a combined USD 2bn, the same deal volume the Spanish bank had registered a year ago when it also led the chart. BBVA’s aggregate deal value is virtually on par as well, its USD 2bn in combined value representing little more than a 1% increase over a year ago. Citigroup rose from seventh to take second place in the chart as it added two transactions to its tally of a year ago and increased the combined value of its deals by 184% from USD 1.2bn to USD 3.5bn. Deutsche Bank, in third, was not among the top 10 banks advising on M&A in Mexico a year ago, nor was JPMorgan, in fourth, nor Morgan Stanley, in fifth. Lazard too was absent from the top 10 a year ago and now ranks sixth. RióN M&A lost one transaction compared to its tally at the close of July 2015, falling from third to seventh in the chart. Goldman Sachs, in eighth, PC Capital, in ninth, and UBS, bringing up the rear in tenth, were also absent from the top 10 a year ago.

Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez leads TTR’s Mexico legal advisory ranking at the close of July 2016 with 18 advisory mandates YTD, the same volume it registered in the first seven months of 2015 when it also led the chart. The leading firm’s aggregate deal value is down 66% from USD 9.5bn. Galicia Abogados held firm to its deal count of 10 a year ago, climbing one position in the chart to take second and increasing aggregate deal value 24% from USD 2.8bn to USD 3.4bn. Jones Day México climbed one position in the chart to take third, notwithstanding losing two transactions relative to its tally of a year ago and its aggregate value falling 90% from USD 2.2bn to USD 209m. Santamarina y Steta Abogados, in fourth, was not among the top 10 M&A firms advising in Mexico for the seven months ending at the close of July 2015, nor was Ritch Mueller, in fifth. Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes fell from second place a year ago to take sixth in the chart, its deal volume down 73% from 15, its aggregate deal value down 81% from USD 3.5bn to USD 661m. Von Wobeser y Sierra ranks seventh after not placing among the top 10 in the first seven months of 2015. White & Case México is up two positions in the chart, despite its deal volume declining by one transaction and its aggregate deal value falling 90% from USD 983m a year ago. Basham Ringe y Correa, in ninth, lost two transactions relative to its tally at the close of July 2015 when it ranked seventh, its aggregate deal value falling 93% from USD 1.4bn. Robles Miaja Abogados brings up the rear after not placing on the chart at the close of July 2015.

* TTR Rankings are generated with transactions announced or closed in 2016 year-to-date. The ranking includes sales and acquisitions of shares and of assets, creation of joint ventures, and Private Equity/Venture Capital investments. The legal advisor rankings for Brazil and Mexico take into consideration advisory services regarding domestic laws. All rankings only include deals where a company of the respective country was the target of the transaction. In the case of LATAM, it would be a Latin American country. The LATAM ranking does not specify the origin of the advisory law, so the filter only considers firms from the UK/US.

In case of a draw, the adopted criteria will be the following: if the draw is due to number of transactions, the total deal value prevails; if it is due to deal value, the number of transactions prevail. When a draw of both number of transactions and deal value occurs, the same position will be retained and the deals will be arranged alphabetically.