In 2014, the Spanish transactional market was particularly active. The numbers show a recovery. In the last twelve months a total of 1,233 deals were registered, both announced and closed, generating an investment volume of approximately EUR 106.63bn. Compared with 2013, the market shows a 28.17% increase in the number of deal recorded and a 106.78% increase in the investment volume.
The last quarter of 2014 was the most dynamic. A total of 352 deals were registered, both announced and closed, generating an investment volume of approximately EUR 50bn. This represents a 6.7% increase and a 51% increase in the investment volume, compared with the previous quarter. Furthermore, the number of deals increased by 35.38% and the investment volume by 288.58%, compared with the same period last year.
The most active sectors this quarter were the technology sector with 47 deals registered, Internet (with 41) and real estate (41).
In the cross-border sector there are two different aspects: foreign investments in Spain and Spanish investments abroad. On one hand, the most acquisitive companies in the Spanish market were those based in the United States (19 deals), United Kingdom (16), and France (14). In addition, the largest deals were carried out by British, Kuwaiti and US-based acquirers. On the other hand, Spanish companies focused their investments in the US and in Portugal. However, highlights also include Endesa’s restructuring process in Chile, and Repsol’s acquisition of Canada-based Talisman Energy.
In the fourth quarter of 2014, the private equity firms were especially active in the Spanish transactional market. It was the most active quarter of the year, with 50 deals registered. The investment volume generated was approximately EUR 4.46bn, the second largest in 2014. A total of 171 deals were registered this year, compared with 132 in 2013, and the investment volume generated in 2014 was approximately EUR 21.62bn compared with EUR 9.36bn last year.
On the other hand, the venture capital segment was less active this quarter, with 59 deals registered and investment volume of EUR 218.50m. However, these numbers are significantly superior to the same period last year (43 deals and EUR 133m), but represent a decrease compared with the third quarter of 2014 (84 deals and EUR 296.70m).
In the capital markets there were eight capital increases registered, generating an investment volume of EUR 3.75bn. Highlights include an Initial Public Offering carried out by Endesa. In addition, Euroconsult and Home Meal Replacement (Nostrum) also carried out IPOs on the Alternative Market – MAB.
In 2014, the Portuguese M&A market was especially dynamic, with 188 transactions registered, both announced and closed, which represents an increase compared with 2013 and with 2012 (135 and 114 deals respectively). However, the number of deals registered in the smaller market in deal size (< EUR 15m) and the transactions with undisclosed values, caused a decrease in the investment volume generated this year (EUR 12.57bn in 2014), compared with the two previous years (EUR 18.68bn in 2013, and EUR 21.11bn in 2012).
The last quarter of 2014 was the most active, with a total of 66 deals registered, both announced and closed, which generated an investment volume of EUR 9.67bn.
The most active sectors, in 2014, were the financial and insurance, and sports and leisure, with 15 and 7 deals recorded, respectively.
In the cross-border sector there are two different aspects: foreign investments in Portugal and Portuguese investments abroad. On one hand, the most acquisitive companies in the Portuguese market were those based in Spain (5), the United States (4), Germany (3), and France (3). However, Luxembourg-based companies made the largest investments (EUR 7.40bn), as a consequence of Altice’s acquisition offer for PT Portugal. On the other hand, Portuguese acquirers focused their investments in Portuguese-speaking countries: Brazil (2), Angola (1), and Mozambique (1).
Regarding the private equity segment, in the fourth quarter of 2014, a total of 10 deals were registered, which generated an investment volume of EUR 548.80m. This represents a 66.7% increase in the number of deals and an increase exceeding 3600% in the investment volume, compared with the third quarter of 2014.
The venture capital segment was not particularly active this quarter, with 3 transactions recorded and an investment volume of EUR 0.02m, which represents the worst quarter of 2014. However, regarding the whole year, a total of 34 deals were registered compared with 17 recorded, in 2013. The investment volume generated this year was EUR 23.20m compared with EUR 4m, in 2013.
There were not IPOs registered this quarter in the Portuguese capital markets. However, there were three capital increases recorded, which generated EUR 65.50m.

Grupo Hospitalario Quirón – Hospital Group.
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